Winter Wonderland
As the
autumn colours migrate from the trees to the ground, there is a general feeling
that that’s it - garden gone to bed for a while, hedgehogs hibernating, and so
will we. However, although we won’t be out there doing the jobs and enjoying
the (rare) summer sunshine, the garden is still with us via the windows. This
factor tends to be overlooked when we plan our planting schemes but, if we bear
it in mind, the daily view needn’t be of sad, empty beds and the soggy remains
of herbaceous past glories: a visit to see the winter gardens at places like Dunham
Park or Harlow Carr will provide the inspiration to choose plants which can be
positioned to lift the spirits when we glance through the winter window.
Gardening is similar to home
handymanning in that positioning, and seeing potential pitfalls, plays a large
part. In the case of the latter, I could site numerous catastrophes which could
have been avoided with a bit of forethought. For example, I once decided to
adjust the carburettor on the car because the engine was running unevenly: I set out my whole
toolkit on top of the radiator (to take
this as an indication that it was a big radiator would be a mistake. It was a
small toolkit. In fact, I only had a pair of pliers and a plastic handled
screwdriver that I’d backed the car over, so that it was only half a plastic
handle), anyway, I left the pliers on the radiator while I adjusted various
screws on the carburettor. There were a lot of them and it seemed that most of
them didn’t do anything. In fact a tiny one had come out and fallen down a
crack in the road, but the engine kept running. Eventually though I found the
one which came up with the goods and the engine revved accordingly.
This caused a bit of vibration, which was a shame really, because it caused the
pliers to fall off the radiator. In itself this wouldn’t have been a problem
-the crack in the road wasn’t big enough to accommodate the pliers as well - no,
the real problem occurred when they hit the fan during their descent. The fan
then flattened its blades while in the process of blasting fifty per cent of my
toolkit through the radiator.
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Prunus serrula (Holehird Gardens) |
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Acer griseum (Hyde Hall Gardens) |
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Cornus alba 'Sibirica' (dogwood) |
The Winter Garden (Harlow Carr Gardens) |
Bark interest can come to the fore in
winter. However, if you haven’t got room for trees like Prunus serrula, Betula jacquemontii,
or Acer griseum, dogwoods offer a variety of different colours which, together
with varieties of willow, can be cut hard back each March to occupy a smaller space while
offering equally impressive impact. Add these to various winter flowering
plants like Viburnum bodnantense ‘Dawn’, numerous Hamamellis varieties, Erica carnea selections
and Cyclamen coum among snowdrops, and you have a potential winter wonderland.
Gorgeous pictures.